what are gets

GETs are Grid Enhancing Technologies. They are software and hardware additions to existing transmission infrastructure that let it carry more power. GETs make our grid more reliable. 

Too often, power lines can’t transmit all of the clean energy generated by renewable sources like solar and wind because California’s grid is outdated. When lines get clogged, clean power gets curtailed.

In 2022, 80% of renewable energy curtailment could be traced back to grid congestion.

GETs allow more clean energy onto the grid, saving hundreds of millions of dollars in otherwise lost power.

If GETs had been implemented in 2022, California could have saved approximately $680 million in wholesale energy costs.

GETs allow more clean energy onto the grid and reduce the need for fossil fuels, helping California to meet its ambitious climate targets on time.

California has committed to obtaining 50% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2026. To do that, we need to drastically scale up our transmission ability.

And because clean energy is cheaper than fossil fuels, GETs can bring down energy costs.

In 2022, wind and solar power reached historic lows in their levelized costs at $45/MWh and $46/MWh respectively, while fossil gas peaked at nearly twice that amount: $81/MWh.

GETs can also give utility operators a heads up when a line is overheating or any other potential signs of wildfire conditions. This gives the utilities time to take preventive action, like shutting down a line and diverting clean power.

But GETs aren’t the only tools to use our grid more effectively! In many cases, our power lines need to be replaced with advanced conductors, power lines with improved capacity, efficiency and strength.

Together, these advanced transmission technologies help our grid handle the renewable energy needed to transition away from fossil fuels.

How do we implement these solutions? Find out more about active legislation