in the news

See Unlock the Grid in action as advanced transmission solutions advance through the Legislature.

  • California Senate passes energy related bills.


  • Opinion: We need to lower Californians’ electricity bills. Better tech can be part of the solution.

    San Diego Union-Tribune

  • How to Lower Household Energy Costs in California

    Energy Institute At Haas

Other resources for advanced transmission technology advocacy.

  • California enacts law to give advanced grid technologies a jolt

    S&P Global

  • A lifeline for Central Valley communities facing extreme heat and high utility costs


  • Biden administration launches effort to upgrade 100,000 miles of transmission lines with GETs over the next five years.

    The White House

  • The Pathway to Innovative Grid Deployment Liftoff.

    Department of Energy

  • DOE calls for overhaul of transmission technology.

    E&E News

  • Reconductoring US power lines could quadruple new transmission capacity by 2035

    Utility Drive

  • Allowing more juice to flow through power lines could hasten clean energy projects


  • Old power lines plus climate change mean a growing risk of utilities starting fires


  • Mejorar las líneas de transmisión eléctrica es fundamental para la transición a la energía limpia

    La Opinion

  • Statewide Partnership Aims to Deliver More Clean Energy Faster to Californians and Support State Climate Goals

    PR Newswire